
F1B Goldendoodle Stud for Hire

Hi, I'm Charlie!
Sir Charles
Charlie Pooch
Poochy Llama
The Bestest Boi Ever!

I like to snooze when I'm not playing.

I could totes be a su-paw-model.

I ain't too proud to wag for treats.

They say I'm 24% "small" but I'm a full 80 pounds of love and energy!

I love all people and animals

and like to make friends big

and small wherever I go!

My human describes me as "big 'ol floof" "gentlepooch", "cuddlemuffin," and "wicked smaht." I've learned over 50 words and commands!

I am happy, healthy, and active - I've even backpacked the Appalachian Trail!

I also enjoy snuggles, especially for movies and nap time, and people watching from my window!

I enjoy the beach and swimming with fishies.

I will love contact you with my paws and my eyes.



I hope we can be friends and that you'll introduce me to your special ladypup!

My mom, brothers, sisters and I at puppy dinnertime. <3

My human loves giving!!!

I look forward to meeting you!

For more information, please email my human at or call the stupid thing he plays games on instead of paying attention to me at 443-618-3809.